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Answering A Complaint

About Downloadable Files On This Page

In an adjacent box on this page, I have four files you may download to help you prepare a Pro Se Answer to a Complaint.

There is a sample Answer I have prepared in both Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, as well as being included in WordPerfect (WPD) format.

I have also included the "Appendix of Forms" to the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. This will serve as another example.

Form 1 will help with the Caption and Signature block.

Form 11 contains an Answer with a Counterclaim and Cross-claim (take note that it does not include a Jury Demand which I generally recommend).

Please Note that I have not given any advice or instructions about a Counterclaim or Cross-claim. If you feel one of these is needed, you will either need to consult an Attorney or, as a less preferred alternative, the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure (I think it is too complicated for a non-attorney or party inexperienced with lots of litigation).

Moreover, the jury demand fee has been raised to $250 from $75. Please make sure to consider whether the potential benefits of having a jury outweigh the fee of requesting one.

Generic Rogers' Consumer Law Pro Se Answer (PDF)

Appendix of Forms to Utah Rules (PDF)

Generic Rogers' Consumer Law Pro Se Answer (WPD)

Appendix of Forms to Utah Rules (WPD)



Jon H. Rogers, Attorney at Law

Northgate Business Center
825 North 300 West Suite N144
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103

Telephone: 801-532-6272
Facsimile:  801-532-4192
